FoodDrinkEurope European Technology Platform “Food for Life"

FoodDrinkEurope's mission is to facilitate the development of an environment in which all European food and drink companies, whatever their size, can meet the needs of consumers and society, while competing effectively for sustainable growth.

FoodDrinkEurope’s contribution is based on sound scientific research, robust data management and effective communication, working within the regulatory framework to ensure that all food and drink issues are dealt with in a holistic manner. The organisation promotes its members’ interests in areas such as food safety and science, nutrition and health, consumer trust and choice, competitiveness, and environmental sustainability.

In 2005, a European Technology Platform (ETP) Food for Life was set up under the management of the Confederation of Food and Drink Industries, later renamed FoodDrinkEurope. This industry-led public-private partnership brings together the main European stakeholders of the food sector, with the aim of defining together European research priorities in the food chain.

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