WP6 Additional activities
Leader: Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry (MASAF), Italy.
Contributing Partners: 1) National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRAE), France; 2) Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany; 3) International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM-IAMB), International; 4) Wageningen Research (WR), the Netherlands; 5) National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa; and Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation (MESRSI), Morocco.
The objective of Work Package 6 is to increase the impact of FOSC. It will do so by:
- Maximising synergies with other FACCE-JPI activities;
- Establishing linkages with other European, regional and international initiatives in support of the SDGs and the EC Food2030 Strategy;
- Developing follow-up activities of the first call;
- Evaluate the possibility of a second call for multi-actor research projects or an alternative collaborative research (funding) activity;
- Develop a Knowledge Platform to cluster research projects funded under the first call as well as other relevant projects, identify key policy and practical implications and draft common dissemination protocols and valorisation strategies; and
- Organising trainings for researchers.
WP6 will contribute to the consolidation of a durable interaction in the long term with the national/regional research programmes. The number of additional activities will contribute to the consolidation of an effective partnership by supporting networking, knowledge-sharing and research uptake among partners, as well as long-term collaboration within the consortium institutions.
Work Package 6 will produce five deliverables:
D6.1; Report of mapping possible collaborations with other EU/international initiatives
D6.2; Report regarding the second collaborative research funding activity
D6.3; Terms of reference of the Knowledge Platform
D6.4; Valorisation products – Policy and Practice Brief(s)
D6.5; Report on training activities
There are 22 milestones defined in FOSC. Work Package 6 will deliver the following five milestones:
Milestone18; Achievement of mapping possible collabortaions with other EU/international initiatives
Milestone19; Second collaborative research funding activity
Milestone20; Knowledge Platform
Milestone21; Production of policy and practice briefs
Milestone22; Organization of training sessions
The overview of the WP6 structure, objectives, deliverables, output, tasks and milestones is given in the figure below.
Click the image to open a full-sized overview.